Frequently Asked Questions

All about the bows:

  • Why clips or rubber bands are harmful?
    Rubber band or metal clips on hair bows can be extremely harmful to your fur baby if ingested, a metal clip if not passed can become blocked in the intestines especially in puppies. Which they become listless, start to vomit and have bloody stools if your pet were to ingest these seek a vet immediately! Sassy Sallie’s Hair Bows for Dogs are free of rubber bands and metal clips.
  • What is Accessory Glue?
    The accessory glue in our starter kits is non-toxic, washable and made with all natural ingredients. Safe for human skin.
  • Why some bows may not be available?
    Our bows are all hand crafted with the finest Satin and Grosgrain material and due to popularity, or discontinuing of certain patterns we cannot guarantee availability, that’s why we offer Variety Kits.
  • Why don’t you sell bows separate?
    Our bows are hand crafted with the greatest attention to detail, and would be costly to our customers. Sassy Sallie’s Hair Bows for Dogs are affordable for every fur baby!
  • Why are kits such a great deal?
    Considering other dog hair bow companies sell one (1) bow anywhere from $5-$12 dollars with a rubber band or clip, Sassy Sallie’s Hair Bows for Dogs is the first company to offer bows for short haired dogs, bows that are free of  hazardous objects like rubber band and clips.
  • How long will the glue last?
    The accessory glue has a shelf life of 4 months once opened, how long the product lasts depends on your fur baby wearing a bow on a daily basis or if you put two bows on there head.
    Remember a little dab is all that’s needed.
  • How Long will the bow stay on?
    It really depends on your fur baby, our bows are light in weight and we find that if you don’t draw attention to applying the bow it can last all day, and of course every fur baby is different, it just depends on your fur baby, some fur babies don’t even know there wearing one because there are no rubber band or clips to pull the hair or skin that’s what makes Sassy Sallie’s Hair Bows for Dogs so different and wonderful!
  • What happens if my dog gets wet while wearing a bow?
    The accessory glue washes off with warm water, and if your pet does get wet wearing a bow it might come off, but don’t worry, dry off your pet and the bow and re add a dab of glue and instant Diva, that’s what we love about our bows, wipe off the glue from the bow and air dry and reuse.

Birthday Bow Club

  • Do I need to buy anything in order to sign up for Birthday Club?
    A starter kit is needed, due to we do not sell the accessory glue separately. There is no fee to join the Club, just enter your information in the Birthday Bow page and on your fur babies Birthday she’ll receive a Birthday Bow from Sallie!
    Don’t forget to take a picture of your fur baby wearing a Sassy Sallie Bow and send it along with there name to


  • Why my shipping cost suddenly jumped from $6.10 to $12.20?
    Our packaging can hold up to two kits and two/three washcloths and are sent Priority mail with tracking and insurance, if you order additional kits/washcloths shipping and handling cost will be charged accordingly.
  • What is your return policy?
    Check shipping and returns.